Smart Data Models - Device Model schema

This entity captures the static properties of a Device.

Type: object

All from GSMA-Commons

Type: object

Property. Unique identifier of the entity

Type: string

Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity

Must match regular expression: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$

Must be at least 1 characters long

Must be at most 256 characters long

Type: string

Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity

Type: string

Property. Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform.

Type: string

Property. Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform.

Type: string

Property. A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object.

Type: string

Property. The name of this item.

Type: string

Property. An alternative name for this item

Type: string

Property. A description of this item

Type: string

Property. A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity.

Type: array

Property. A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s)

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Property. Unique identifier of the entity

Same definition as id

Property. list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item

Type: array of string

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string
Type: string
Type: object

All from Location-Commons

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon

Type: object

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. Point

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "Point"

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. LineString

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "LineString"

Type: array of array

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. Polygon

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "Polygon"

Type: array of array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of array

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "MultiPoint"

Type: array of array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "MultiLineString"

Type: array of array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of array

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "MultiPolygon"

Type: array of array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of array

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of array

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 2 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of number

Must contain a minimum of 4 items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Property. The mailing address. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The street address. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The country. For example, Spain. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The postal code. For example, 24004. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578. Model:''

Type: string

Property. The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided. Model:''

Type: object

All from Device-Commons

Type: array of enum (of string)

Property. Model:''. Sensor: A device that detects and responds to events or changes in the physical environment such as light, motion, or temperature changes. actuator : A device responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or system. Meter : A device built to accurately detect and display a quantity in a form readable by a human being. Partially defined by SAREF. HVAC : Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) device that provides indoor environmental comfort. Network : A device used to connect other devices in a network, such as hub, switch or router in a LAN or Sensor network. ( Multimedia : A device designed to display, store, record or play multimedia content such as audio, images, animation, video. Enum:'actuator, beacon, endgun, HVAC, implement, irrSection, irrSystem, meter, multimedia, network, sensor'

Each item of this array must be:

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "actuator"
  • "beacon"
  • "endgun"
  • "HVAC"
  • "implement"
  • "irrSection"
  • "irrSystem"
  • "meter"
  • "multimedia"
  • "network"
  • "sensor"

Type: array of enum (of string)

Property. Model:''. Anything that can be sensed, measured or controlled by. Enum:'airPollution, atmosphericPressure, averageVelocity, batteryLife, batterySupply, cdom, conductance, conductivity, depth, eatingActivity, eatingActivity, electricityConsumption, energy, fillingLevel, freeChlorine, gasConsumption, gateOpening, heading, humidity, light, location, milking, motion, movementActivity, noiseLevel, occupancy, orp, pH, power, precipitation, pressure, refractiveIndex, salinity, smoke, soilMoisture, solarRadiation, speed, tds, temperature, trafficFlow, tss, turbidity, waterConsumption, waterFlow, waterLevel, waterPollution, weatherConditions, weight, windDirection, windSpeed'

Each item of this array must be:

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "airPollution"
  • "atmosphericPressure"
  • "averageVelocity"
  • "batteryLife"
  • "batterySupply"
  • "cdom"
  • "conductance"
  • "conductivity"
  • "depth"
  • "eatingActivity"
  • "eatingActivity"
  • "electricityConsumption"
  • "energy"
  • "fillingLevel"
  • "freeChlorine"
  • "gasConsumption"
  • "gateOpening"
  • "heading"
  • "humidity"
  • "light"
  • "location"
  • "milking"
  • "motion"
  • "movementActivity"
  • "noiseLevel"
  • "occupancy"
  • "orp"
  • "pH"
  • "power"
  • "precipitation"
  • "pressure"
  • "refractiveIndex"
  • "salinity"
  • "smoke"
  • "soilMoisture"
  • "solarRadiation"
  • "speed"
  • "tds"
  • "temperature"
  • "trafficFlow"
  • "tss"
  • "turbidity"
  • "waterConsumption"
  • "waterFlow"
  • "waterLevel"
  • "waterPollution"
  • "weatherConditions"
  • "weight"
  • "windDirection"
  • "windSpeed"

Type: array of enum (of string)

Property. Model:''. Supported protocol(s) or networks. Model:'3g, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, cat-m, coap, ec-gsm-iot, gprs, http, lwm2m, lora, lte-m, mqtt, nb-iot, onem2m, sigfox, ul20, websocket'

Each item of this array must be:

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "3g"
  • "bluetooth"
  • "bluetooth LE"
  • "cat-m"
  • "coap"
  • "ec-gsm-iot"
  • "gprs"
  • "http"
  • "lwm2m"
  • "lora"
  • "lte-m"
  • "mqtt"
  • "nb-iot"
  • "onem2m"
  • "sigfox"
  • "ul20"
  • "websocket"

Type: string

Property. Model:''. The MAC address of the device.

Must match regular expression: ^([[:xdigit:]]{2}[:.-]?){5}[[:xdigit:]]{2}$
Type: object

Type: enum (of string)

Property. NGSI Entity type. it has to be DeviceModel

Must be one of:

  • "DeviceModel"

Type: enum (of string)

Property. Model:''. Class of constrained device as specified by RFC 7228. If the device is not a constrained device this property shall not be present. Normative References: RFC7228. Enum:'C0, C1, C2'

Must be one of:

  • "C0"
  • "C1"
  • "C2"

Type: array of enum (of string)

Property. Model:''. The functionality necessary to accomplish the task for which a Device is designed. A device can be designed to perform more than one function. Defined by SAREF. Enum:'levelControl, sensing, onOff, openClose, metering, eventNotification

Each item of this array must be:

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "levelControl"
  • "sensing"
  • "onOff"
  • "openClose"
  • "metering"
  • "eventNotification"

Type: array of string

Property. Model:''. Units of measurement supported by the device. The unit code (text) of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (max. 3 characters).

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

Type: enum (of string)

Property. Model:''. Device's class of energy limitation as per RFC 7228. Normative References: RFC7228. Enum:'E0, E1, E2, E9'

Must be one of:

  • "E0"
  • "E1"
  • "E2"
  • "E9"

Type: string

Property. Model:''. A link to device's documentation.

Type: string

Property. Model:''. Device's brand name.

Type: string

Property. Model:' Device's model name.

Type: string

Property. Model:''. Device's manufacturer name.

The following properties are required: